Whose Path Are You On?

I wanted to share my internal ah ha moment from this morning. 

A friend asked me for advice a few days ago. This morning, I checked up on her and discovered that she had brushed my advice aside. What? Why would she do that? Did she not see that my advice was the only sane solution to her problem? My advice would save her so much time and frustration, yet she just cast it aside. 

Have you been there? Have you felt frustration when you warned or gave advice and no one was listening? You come so close to coming unglued because your words are not being heard. 

Then it happened. I realized, fully, that I was doing the same thing. How often had I gone to God in prayer over a problem that to me was huge but to him was so small? God would lay the answer out in front of me, I smile and nod "Yes, God you are so right!" But moments later I'd stubbornly return to my own idle thoughts, turning away from the path that he JUST put before me. How hurtful that must be for Him. 

When I gave my friend that advice, I did so with love and I wanted only the very best for her. Isn't that where God is coming from? He sees my path clearly and wants the very best for me. He loves me and wants me to choose the path that will lead me to where I need to be. But time after time I stand up and say "That's good advice God, but I'm going to go my own way. Maybe you know that this path will take me where I need to go, but my path looks easier and more convenient to me at this time. See you later God, I'm heading out on my journey now.

Psalms 16:11 says "You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand." 

Whose path are you on? Yours or His?

P.S Next time I'm just going to love on my friend and skip the directions! Who am I to give advice?