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Is This a Funk?

I don't know what's going on with me. I am not unhappy. I'm not upset about anything. But I do feel so very tired.

It may, honestly, be that this past week has been more wintery. Although it has not been particularly cold, the sky has been a bit more overcast. I have a history of Seasonal Affective Disorder, but typically it hits more severe than just feeling uninterested.

I'm still doing things. I'm staying busy. I'm just not as interested in my favorite things right now. I cannot remember the last book that I read and enjoyed. For me, this is a big deal. In fact, I've only finished one book so far this year. Some of you may know that I have been known to finish a book in a day's time. I love to read. I thought that maybe it was just the books I was choosing. But nothing is sticking. I just don't care what happens on the next page.

This all may seem very silly. I'm not depressed. I'm not sad. I'm just feeling a little off. I'd like to take a week long nap and wake up renewed once again. I guess I'm just at a point where I don't know whether to keep pushing through it and keep doing the things I normally love, or if I should listen to my body and just take a break from everything until I feel more alive.

I think for tonight, at 8:30, I'm going to listen to my body and go to bed early. Tomorrow is a new day.

Year in Review - 2014

Get Busy Living - Your Year in Review

10 greatest things that happened in the past year

1. Celebrated Meghan's 4th birthday. What a joy she is!

2. Laughter. Lots and lots of Laughter.

3. Freedom came in the form of a new car. This was the first time I got to pick and buy a car, just for me! More importantly, after close to a year of only having one vehicle, this meant Meghan and I were finally mobile! Hello world!

4. And out we went!

5. Found our church home, in June, and went on to become official members in November. We couldn't be happier at DCC.

6. Got to meet some of my favorite ladies from an online baby due date club I joined back in 2009. That's four silly four year old girls! 

7. After over 10 years, my mother moved back to Florida. She hadn't seen Meghan since she was 17 months old. We got to experience the holidays together and build lasting memories as a family.

8. Went on a family vacation to Ruskin, Fl. We enjoyed a few days on the beach, played games, went to a museum and had a great family trip. 

9. Meghan started school!

10. Was blessed to be able to participate in Serve Day 2014 with DCC

I am most proud of these three accomplishments from last year:
1. Becoming med free!!! I dumped my last medication in June and couldn't be happier. I am so happy to feel like "me" again. 
2. Learning new crochet techniques and being able to make beautiful things.
3. Testing my boundaries and moving outside of my comfort zone.

Three great lessons I've learned from last year are:
1. Don't do squats in boots. Seriously. Don't.
2. Youtube it before you take it apart.
3. Sometimes letting go is the best solution. 

Three personal developments I have made in the past year are:
1. Learning to listen to my body.
2. Becoming a part of our church and getting involved.
3. Strengthens relationships and letting go of toxic ones. 

If I could do things again last year, I would do these three things differently: 
1. Worry less about things that didn't matter
2. Believe in myself more.
3. Trust God

Three things I need to do less of in the next year are:
1. Get sucked in by things that are not important.
2. Allow the attitudes of others to affect my own attitude
3. Sit

Three things I need to do more of in the next year are:
1. Build up those around me. 
2. Live loudly.
3. Let God drive.

Three things I need to stop doing completely in the next year are:
1. Let things I cannot control keep me up at night.
2. Eat food that harms my body.
3. Staying in my ruts. 

Three reasons I didn't achieve my goals from this past year are:
The only goal I did not achieve was the weight loss. I worked so hard on many aspects of my health and did lose some weight. With that in mind, I'm not upset about not losing a large amount of weight. I did what I could, and that's enough for now. 

Three goals I want to achieve this next year are:
1. Continue to improve upon my health. 
2. Build Stamina 
3. Continue to expand my crochet skills.

Three reasons why I want to achieve these goals are:
1. Because I deserve to feel good and I want to live a nice, long life.
2. To accomplish more and not wear out as easily.
3. Because I enjoy it!

Smartest decision I made last year:
Getting off of the meds.

Biggest risk I took last year:
Also getting off of the meds.

One sentence that sums up this past year:

One year from right now, I want to my ideal day to look like this:
Busy, productive, joyful, and at peace.

What's next?